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Marketing Audit Services.

Our marketing audit services evaluate the drivers of your competitive advantage and uncover hidden opportunities for growth. We do this through a combination of applying strategic frameworks, qualitative and quantitative research, and other analytical techniques. Leveraging our independence and ‘analyse everything’ approach, we leave no stones unturned. Our audits provide clarity on the root causes of your marketing challenges and the solutions to transform your potential into a competitive advantage.

What Is a Marketing Audit?

A marketing audit is a comprehensive, systematic analysis of your business's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities with the aim of identifying opportunities and areas for improvement. It serves as a tool to scrutinise and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing practices, ensuring they align with the overall business goals.

Why a Marketing Audit is Critical for Your Business.

Conducting a marketing audit is essential for pinpointing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your marketing strategies. It offers invaluable insights that drive informed decision-making, optimise resource allocation, and enhance the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, ultimately supporting the achievement of your business objectives.

Types of Marketing Audits.

Marketing audits can vary widely, encompassing digital, social media, brand, and content audits, among others. Each type focuses on different aspects of marketing activities, allowing businesses to deeply understand specific areas such as online presence, brand positioning, or customer engagement strategies. Scroll down this page to see various audits we offer.

Who Performs a Marketing Audit?

Marketing audits should ideally be performed by external experts specialising in marketing analysis. However, they can also be conducted internally by a team of marketing professionals. The key is objectivity; the auditor should provide an unbiased evaluation of the marketing activities.

When Should You Do a Marketing Audit?

We recommend conducting a marketing audit on an annual basis or when significant changes occur within your business or market environment. Regular audits can help you stay aligned with your marketing objectives, be more adaptable to market changes, and help to maintain a competitive advantage.

Common Challenges in Marketing Audits and How to Overcome Them.

A marketing audit frequently serves as the cornerstone of broader organisational transformation initiatives. It's not uncommon for internal resistance to emerge, stemming from concerns over time allocation, resource availability, and a general hesitancy towards change.

Here we share some common challenges encountered during marketing audits and practical strategies to overcome them:

  1. Data Overload: Navigating through massive amounts of data can feel daunting, making it hard to identify what's relevant. This be overcome by leveraging sophisticated data analytics tools, which can help to effectively filter and focus on the most pertinent information, ensuring that the audit concentrates on actionable insights.
  2. Resistance to Change: One of the significant hurdles is stakeholder resistance to change based on audit recommendations. To mitigate this, it's crucial to cultivate a culture that values continuous improvement. Demonstrating the concrete benefits and potential growth opportunities that changes can bring helps in gaining stakeholder buy-in.
  3. Lack of Objectivity: Internal marketing audits risk being biased, affecting the validity of their outcomes. This challenge can be addressed by involving external auditors, like VCMO, who bring an objective perspective. If you choose to conduct the audit internally with your own sales or marketing people, it's essential to ensure they remain impartial and are not directly involved in the areas being audited.
  4. Integrating Findings into Strategy: Translating audit findings into practical strategies presents a common challenge. A structured approach involving the development of a detailed action plan, grounded in the audit’s insights and aligned with measurable objectives, is key to effectively leveraging audit outcomes for strategic improvements.
  5. Inadequate Resources: Limited resources may restrict the scope and depth of a marketing audit. Prioritising critical areas of the audit can help focus efforts where they are most needed, allowing for a more efficient allocation of available resources to address the most impactful areas.
  6. Keeping Up with Market Changes: The rapid pace of market evolution can render audit findings obsolete if not continually updated. Addressing this challenge involves conducting regular, focused audits of the most dynamic aspects of your marketing strategy, ensuring your business remains agile and responsive to market trends.
  7. Aligning Audit Goals with Business Objectives: Ensuring that the audit's goals are in harmony with your company's strategic objectives is often overlooked. Regular reviews and adjustments of the audit goals are essential to maintain this alignment, ensuring that the audit remains relevant and supports your overarching business strategy.
  8. Ensuring Stakeholder Engagement: Securing engagement from all stakeholders can be difficult, yet it is essential for a successful audit. Effective communication about the benefits of the audit and involving stakeholders in the planning and execution phases can facilitate broader engagement, ensuring that the process benefits from diverse insights and is more likely to be embraced by the entire organisation.

What Are the Key Stages Involved in a Marketing Audit?

The following steps provide a high-level summary of our marketing audit process. We use the same approach for all of our audits:

step 1

We Identify What Element of Marketing Needs to Be Audited.

Determining the focus of the audit is the first step, whether it’s the entire marketing function or specific aspects like digital presence or brand strategy. This clarity ensures the audit is tailored to address your specific issues.

step 2

We Establish the Marketing Goals & Objectives.

Setting clear, measurable goals and objectives allows for a focused audit. Understanding what your business needs to achieve through its marketing efforts guides the audit process towards relevant evaluations and recommendations.

step 3

We Evaluate Current Marketing Performance, Processes, & Procedures.

This stage involves a thorough examination of your existing marketing activities, channels, and results. We assess the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing practices, identify areas that are performing well and those that require improvement.

step 4

We Interpret the Data That’s Been Collected.

Analysing the collected data to derive meaningful insights is crucial. Using our marketing frameworks and analytical tools, we look for patterns, trends, and outcomes that inform the current state of marketing effectiveness in relation to the set objectives.

step 5

We Prioritise Key Findings & Recommend Next Steps.

After interpreting the data, we identify the most critical findings and formulate strategic recommendations to address them. This ensures that the audit leads to actionable improvements, prioritising initiatives that will have the greatest impact for your business.

step 6

Initiate the Change Program.

Implementing the recommended changes is essential for improving your marketing performance. This could involve adopting new strategies, upskilling your teams, or re-aligning marketing efforts with business objectives. You can choose to do this on your own, or if you prefer, you can hire one of our Fractional Chief Marketing Officers to lead the change program.

step 7

Schedule Next Marketing Audit.

Regularly scheduling marketing audits ensures continuous improvement and adaptation to changing market conditions. We recommend scheduling the next audit in twelve months' time. This helps you stay proactive and aligned with your strategic marketing goals.

Marketing Audit Best Practices.

To maximise the benefits of our marketing audit services, it's essential to adhere to a set of 'non-negotiables' that underpin the process. By committing to these principles, you ensure the most comprehensive and impactful audit outcomes for your business:

  • Set Clear Objectives and Prepare Thoroughly: Begin with defining precise, measurable goals for your audit, coupled with meticulous preparation. This critical step ensures the audit remains sharply focused, paving the way for strategic enhancements tailored to your business.
  • Ensure Stakeholder Involvement and Data Integrity: Securing early and broad engagement from your key stakeholders is imperative for buy-in and to harvest a wide range of insights. Equally, prioritising the accuracy and completeness of your data is foundational, as these elements are crucial for a robust analysis.
  • Maintain Objectivity and Focus on Actionable Insights: Our approach is rooted in impartiality, fostering unbiased audit outcomes. This objectivity is key in generating practical, actionable insights that feed directly into making strategic decisions for tangible improvements.
  • Embrace Change as an Opportunity: A willingness to adapt based on audit findings is non-negotiable. View change not as a disruption but as an opportunity for growth and innovation. The readiness to evolve ensures that the audit's insights are effectively translated into positive transformations.
  • Commit to Continuous Improvement: Lastly, a commitment to continuously refining your marketing strategies based on our audit recommendations is vital. This ongoing dedication to improvement keeps your marketing efforts aligned with both current trends and your long-term business objectives, ensuring sustained success.

Explore Our Fixed-Price Marketing Audit Services...

Discover Your Organisation's Marketing Capability Score in Just 10-Minutes.

Not sure how good your organisation's marketing is? Discover how it measures up across the strategic, operational and cultural level by taking our comprehensive marketing audit. You’ll receive a personalised report that shows what’s going well and recommendations for improvements. Plus you get a complimentary, no-obligation workshop with our experts to discuss your results. It's free and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

assess internal drivers of competitive advantage

Internal Marketing Audit.

Our internal marketing audit entails a thorough assessment of your organisation's resources, distinctive capabilities, processes, culture, and strategic planning capability. It also evaluates critical aspects like brand positioning, marketing objectives, and alignment with organisational goals. The objective is to identify the internal factors that directly contribute to your competitive advantage, prioritise the challenges to overcome and the opportunities to seize.

identify market opportunities & threats

External Marketing Audit.

Our external marketing audit involves a comprehensive evaluation of external factors influencing your marketing efforts. We analyse market trends, the competitive landscape, customer behaviour, and industry dynamics. This audit also assesses your brand perception, market share, customer satisfaction, and effectiveness of marketing channels. The goal is to identify and prioritise market opportunities that can strengthen your competitive advantage, and the threats to mitigate.

identify how to develop more brand power

Brand Audit.

Our brand audit thoroughly examines all facets of your brand, including value proposition, competitive positioning, messaging, visual identity, brand equity, and target audience perception. We also assess the ideal customer profile (ICP) and explore their aspirations and concerns. The goal is to align your brand strategy with your organisational goals. This audit will help to prioritise opportunities that can enhance your brand power, enabling you to assert greater influence over customers, suppliers, competitors and key stakeholders.

identify how to drive higher levels of demand

Content Strategy Audit.

Our content strategy audit comprehensively evaluates your ideal customer profile (ICP) and the alignment of your content strategy with their needs and aspirations. We assess content quality, relevance, consistency, distribution channels, and audience engagement. The objective is to optimise your content strategy based on your business goals, generate compelling content that resonates with your target audience, and drive higher levels of interest and demand.

identify how attract & retain better talent

Employer Brand Audit.

Our employer brand audit systematically evaluates your brand reputation as an employer, encompassing values, culture, employee experience, recruitment and retention strategies, internal communications, and market positioning. The objective is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, enabling the development of a compelling and authentic employer brand that attracts and retains top talent.


Award Winning Marketing Auditing.

In 2024 we were awarded 'Excellence in Marketing Auditing' at the 2024 Innovation in Business MarTech Awards.


If you would like us to conduct an independent marketing audit, simply get in touch.

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