discover your marketing capability score

Free Online Marketing Audit.

Our free online audit assesses your organisation's marketing capability against 70 marketing dimensions. You receive a detailed personalised Scorecard and an invite to a no-obligation workshop to discuss your results. The next 10 minutes could transform your entire approach to marketing...

What Is the Online Audit? Understanding the Value for Your Business.

We recognise that some businesses are not ready to invest in a deep-dive marketing audit, but value a quick and efficient way of evaluating their marketing capabilities. Our streamlined online audit is tailor-made for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lacking the extensive resources necessary for a comprehensive evaluation of all crucial marketing elements. And it doesn't cost you a penny!

When to Consider Our Online Marketing Audit.

There are several trigger points that may prompt you to consider taking our online audit, these include:

  • Addressing Declining Performance: Experiencing a decline in sales, leads, or customer engagement? Such trends signal a critical need for re-evaluating your marketing activities. Our online audit is designed to identify these issues, offering you actionable insights to reverse the trend and regain your competitive edge.
  • New Leadership Transition: Welcoming a new marketing leader? Our online audit offers an immediate diagnostic tool to evaluate your current marketing performance, ensuring they have all the necessary insights to start strong.
  • Responding to Customer Feedback: Witnessing a drop in customer satisfaction or an uptick in negative reviews? It's time to take a closer look at your marketing strategies. Our audit suggests areas for improvement, helping you realign with customer expectations.
  • Scheduled Performance Reviews: Keep your marketing strategy on track with our online audit. Utilise it regularly to monitor improvements and proactively address any emerging weaknesses, ensuring your marketing efforts consistently align with your business goals.
  • Enhancing Leadership Performance: Concerned about your senior marketing leader’s performance? Our online audit sheds light on critical areas needing attention, facilitating targeted development to enhance overall marketing leadership.
  • Rekindling Marketing Focus: Has your marketing taken a backseat recently? Reignite your focus with our efficient online audit. It’s the perfect tool for gaining a clear understanding of your current marketing starting point and identifying the path forward.

How Our 70-Point Online Marketing Audit Works.

Marketing audits shouldn't exhaust you, demand hours of your time or put a strain on your resources - our online audits takes just 10 minutes to complete. We suggest finding a quiet place without interruptions to concentrate on the questions. It follows these 4 steps:


Answer 70 Questions.

You'll go through our 'BANKSE' Framework which asks you 70 questions - each with 5 responses. These check how well you're performing across 14 critical areas of marketing. While answering, you can monitor your progress at the bottom of the screen. Feel free to go back and change any answers without penalty. It takes on average less than 10 minutes to complete.


See Your Summary Result.

Right after you answer the final question, your overall score will appear on the screen. If you'd like to get a detailed, personalised report for free, simply provide your contact information.

step 3

Marketing Capability Scorecard.

If you provided your contact details, you'll immediately receive a personalised Marketing Capability Scorecard. This 20-page report outlines how you're doing across each of the 14 areas we assess, highlighting your strengths and areas that may need improvement.


Complimentary, No-Obligation Online Workshop.

After completing the audit, you're invited to join an online workshop with one of our marketing experts, this is at our expense and without obligation. This is your chance to gain an external perspective on your performance and understand what your results indicate. The only cost to you is 60-minutes of your time and you can invite others along. There's no hard sell or pressure to engage with our services. If you walk away, we hope you have found our online audit a valuable use of your time.

Discover your organisation's marketing capability score in just 10 minutes.

BANKSE: Introducing Our Six Pillar Evaluation Framework.

We developed the 'BANKSE' Framework (trademark pending) to assess your marketing capability from three perspectives: strategy, operations, and culture. Its 70 questions help us to determine your marketing starting point, identify your strengths, and areas to improve across 14 essential marketing aspects. Here are the six pillars:

pillar 1


This pillar evaluates if you have built a brand and a business strategy that generates and protects an unfair competitive advantage.

pillar 2


This evaluates if your communication strategy creates awareness and desire to buy your products or services among your ideal target customers.

pillar 3


This pillar evaluates how well you convert demand into paying customers. It also evaluates if your pricing strategy reflects the true value that you promise to deliver.

pillar 4


This evaluates if your customers are die-hard brand advocates and whether your innovation strategy prevents them from switching to your competitors.

pillar 5


This pillar evaluates if your marketing stack is fit for purpose, how easily you can measure your activities and how much value you get from your marketing suppliers.

pillar 6


Finally, this pillar evaluates if your marketing activities are compliant. It also explores if you are a customer-orientated organisation and the effectiveness of your marketing leadership.


Why You Should Choose VCMO as Your Marketing Partner.

Whether you're leading a vibrant business without a CMO or an investor looking to enhance a portfolio company, we present good reasons why you should consider VCMO and our marketing solutions.


Simply click the button if you want to discover your organisation's marketing capability score.

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