Below The Fold

Below The Fold

What Is Below The Fold?

What Is Below the Fold in Marketing?

In marketing, Below the Fold (BTF) is a term used in website design and refers to the part of a web page that is not immediately visible to the user upon landing on the page, and requires scrolling to be viewed. This area is usually located beneath the visible portion of the screen and is often referred to as the "scroll zone."

Origins of Below the Fold.

The term "Above The Fold" comes from the newspaper industry, where the most important headlines and stories were placed on the upper half of the front page, which was visible when the paper was folded in half. This concept was later adapted to the online world and refers to the visible portion of a website without any scrolling.

Importance of a Good Below the Fold Strategy.

Below the fold is important because it represents an opportunity to present additional content and messaging to website visitors who are interested in the initial content and are willing to engage further. It is a valuable space that can be used to persuade visitors to take further actions, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or engaging with additional content (call-to-actions).

Using below the fold effectively can help businesses to increase engagement and conversions on their website. However, it is important to keep in mind that visitors may not always scroll down to see the content below the fold, so it is essential to create a visually engaging and compelling reason to encourage them to do so.

Annotation of below the fold
"Marketers should not neglect the importance of good below the fold design in the website UX. It can unlock hidden potential and captivate users with strategic content placement. Always ensure your design engages, converts, and optimises the user experience for online success."

Paul Mills
CEO & Founder, VCMO

Designing for Below the Fold.

Designing for below the fold involves a strategic approach to layout and content placement. Some tips to keep in mind when designing for below the fold include:

  • Highlighting the Most Important Information Above the Fold: While the below the fold area is important, it's still crucial to get the user's attention with the most critical information. This includes headlines, images, and call-to-actions.
  • Balancing Content and White Space: It's important to strike a balance between having enough content to engage the user, and not overwhelming them with too much information. Using ample white space can help the user to navigate the page more easily and avoid sensory overload.
  • Using Visuals to Create Interest: Images and videos are great ways to create visual interest and encourage users to engage with the content below the fold. They can also help to break up long blocks of text and make the page more visually appealing.
  • Incorporating Clear Call-to-actions: Call-to-actions (CTAs) should be prominent and clearly visible, even below the fold. They should be compelling and relevant to the content on the page to encourage the user to take action.

Below the Fold Advantages.

The advantages of designing for Below The Fold include:

  1. Increased Engagement: By providing additional content and opportunities for engagement, businesses can keep users on their site longer and encourage them to take further actions.
  2. More Opportunities For Conversions: The below the fold area can be used to showcase additional products, services, or content, giving users more opportunities to convert.
  3. Improved User Experience: A well-designed below the fold area can help users to navigate the site more easily and find the information they're looking for.

Disadvantages of Designing for Below the Fold.

  1. Users May Not Scroll Down: While below the fold can be effective, it's important to remember that not all users will scroll down to see the content. This means that critical information and calls-to-action should still be placed above the fold.
  2. Overloading Users With Information: It's important to balance the amount of content on the page and avoid overwhelming the user with too much information.

Recap of Below The Fold.

In conclusion, "below the fold" is a term used in digital marketing to describe the portion of a webpage that requires scrolling down to see. It is an important aspect of web design and user experience as it can significantly impact a website's engagement and conversion rates.

By strategically placing important content and calls-to-action above the fold, businesses can increase the chances of capturing visitors' attention and keeping them on the site for longer. However, it is also important to consider the content and design of the entire page to ensure a cohesive and effective user experience.

About VCMO

VCMO helps SMEs and investor-backed portfolio companies with a £2 million or higher turnover that operate without a full-time Chief Marketing Officer. Our Fractional CMOs and tailored services transform marketing potential into a competitive advantage that delivers scalable and predictable growth, increased profits, and enhanced enterprise value.

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