
LinkedIn Training for Thought Leaders.

This one-day interactive training delivered by MAVERRIK® will transform how your experts become industry authorities on LinkedIn. Overcome market saturation by mastering content creation and sharing valuable insights, build a personal brand, and establish trusted influence in your category.

Why Thought Leadership on LinkedIn Is Important

Being a thought leader on LinkedIn establishes trust and influences key decision-makers by showcasing expertise and insights. Thought leaders provide valuable content, address industry challenges, and offer innovative solutions, positioning themselves as credible authorities. This fosters trust among followers, who view them as reliable sources of information. As influencers, thought leaders have the ability to shape opinions and guide decisions, making them valuable assets in your efforts to grow your brand.

Establishing Trust Through LinkedIn Training

From a business development perspective, subject matter experts in your organisation should aim to achieve several core goals through LinkedIn, including:

  1. Establishing Credibility: Positioning themselves as industry authorities to enhance credibility and trust among your target audience.
  2. Building Relationships: Cultivating meaningful connections with potential clients, partners, and stakeholders through engagement and networking.
  3. Generating Leads: Attracting qualified leads by sharing valuable insights and thought-provoking content that resonates with your audience.
  4. Increasing Visibility: Maximizing visibility and exposure within your industry by regularly sharing content and participating in relevant discussions.
  5. Driving Engagement: Encouraging interaction and dialogue with your target audience to foster engagement and build a community around their expertise.
  6. Influencing Decision-Makers: Influencing key decision-makers by providing thought leadership and influencing opinions within your industry.
  7. Supporting Sales Efforts: Supporting sales efforts by nurturing leads and providing valuable resources and information throughout the buyer's journey.

Who Is This LinkedIn Course For?

unlock your marketing potential

LinkedIn Training for Thought Leaders is tailored for subject matter experts within professional services organisations, such as law firms, accountancies, and financial services. It enables your experts to develop content strategies that educate their audience and establish their authority on LinkedIn.

Person at desk with a business problem
unlock your marketing potential

Who Is This LinkedIn Course For?

LinkedIn Training for Thought Leaders is tailored for subject matter experts within professional services organisations, such as law firms, accountancies, and financial services. It enables your experts to develop content strategies that educate their audience and establish their authority on LinkedIn.

What Will I Learn on the Course?

This one-day training course will teach thought leaders within your business on how to become key influencers on decision-makers and positively impact your brand. Learn the stages of building a strong personal brand, growing your ideal audience, creating engaging and consistent content, and establishing your authority on LinkedIn to shift customer preferences towards your brand. The training covers:

Personal Branding

  • Using your profile to educate
  • 7 elements of successful profiles
  • Your voice and personality
  • Your key message
  • Styling and formatting
  • Content preferences
  • Being authentic and consistent

Building Your Audience

  • Your Ideal Audience
  • Growing your network
  • Growing your followers
  • Joining the Influencer Club

Thought Leadership Content

  • Thought Leadership Goals
  • Optimising for the algorithm
  • Creating your content plan
  • Ideation of your content
  • Content creation at pace
  • Driving engagement and reach
  • Content scheduling and structure

Building Your Authority

  • Becoming a Top Voice
  • Premium vs Sales Navigator
  • Influencer Ads
  • Podcasting / Speaking Opportunities
linkedin for thought leaders

How Is the Training Delivered?

When it comes to training solutions, modern businesses demand flexibility. That's why we have chosen to partner with MAVERRIK® as this training course can be delivered in-person or virtually in various formats including:
• Workshop
• Online Course
• Adoption Programme
• 1:1 Coaching
• As A Service

How Much Does LinkedIn Training for Thought Leaders Cost?

£4,500 +VAT for a training day delivered to a group of up to 20 professionals.

Why We’ve Partnered with MAVERRIK®

MAVERRIK® is Europe’s largest independent Social Selling consulting and training company. Since 2014, they have trained more than 200,000 people and helped companies generate more than £200million in new revenue directly attributed to social selling and LinkedIn marketing.

We’ve chosen to partner with MAVERRIK® as they understand the real challenges of leveraging social selling and social marketing to build brands and win new business. Their philosophy is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone.

MAVERRIK’S® approach is very much aligned to our values which is to help clients meet their goals in a way which is repeatable, scalable and drives results. They also believe that the best results come when learning is fun, training is practical and everyone is supported.


If you'd like to arrange bespoke LinkedIn training for your thought leaders, simply get in touch.

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